Proclamation of Linda McGill Day

June 15 was proclaimed Linda McGill Day by Mayor Steven M. Schewel in 2021 to honor the life and contributions of our founder to the community.

Durham Mayor Steven M. Schewel's proclamation of Linda McGill Day

The above photo of the Proclamation reads:


Whereas, with the recent passing of Linda McGill, the Durham community lost a wonderful artist, entrepreneur, philanthropist and friend; and

Whereas, Linda played and important role in the creation and sustenance of the progressive community that Durham has become; and

Whereas, Linda grew her business Jewelsmith, from scratch, turning her skills with metal and jewels into a thriving enterprise happily employing many other artists and craftspeople; and

Whereas, Jewelsmith’s rings, bracelets, necklaces, pins and brooches are renowned for their beauty and singularity; and

Whereas, Linda’s generosity extended throughout the Durham community and our state through her financial support and board service with a myriad of non-profit organizations; and

Whereas, Linda McGill’s smile could light up a room; and

Whereas, Linda’s warmth and kindness is well known to all of us who knew her and were fortunate enough to call her a friend; and

Whereas, Linda gave love to many in our community and was beloved by many in return.

Now, therefore, I, Stephen M. Schewel, Mayor of the City of Durham, North Carolina, do hereby proclaim June 15, 2021 as

“Lina McGill Day”

In Durham in loving memory of Linda’s extraordinary contributions to our city and of her many kindnesses, large and small.

Witness my hand, this the 15th day of June 2021


Stephen M. Schewel


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