Katherine Nielsen Bio

Katherine Nielsen

Katherine Nielsen

Graduate Gemologist (GIA)

Certified Gemologist Appraiser (AGS)

Katherine believes in the power of seeing the good in all things. She started working at Jewelsmith in 2004 and loves the variety of jewelry she gets to work with: from fresh new designs to custom creations to make a dream come true to talking about vintage family heirlooms – she loves it all! She envisions sharing her experiences with people starting their career in the jewelry industry.  

Leading the AGS NC Guild since 2013 and the GIA Alumni since 2014 is her proudest moment as a certified CGA. She has a passion for inclusions! They tell the story of Mother Earth creating treasures deep underground. On the side, she enjoys reading, singing, traveling and Adventure Races with friends and her husband, Chris.

Her favorite gemstone is a toss-up! It’s between the tourmaline and garnet family because of their variety of colors and both are cut into creative shapes, which make them a joy to design with.

Learn about your heirlooms and share Katherine’s gem enthusiasm by booking your appointment or emailing her.

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